
Vital Statistics

Name: Masara
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 37 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile:Masara is one of the Phoenix people's main warriors, a protector to Saffron (the leader of the Phoenix people) and a soldier serving under Kiima. He, along with Koruma, attempt to get the Jusenkyo map away from Plum, the Jusenkyo Guide's daughter.

Masara attacked Plum with his favorite weapon, a longbow, but was foiled in the attack by Ranma and Ryouga, who happened to be passing by. Combined by the fact that a cold rain had fallen on him and Koruma, Masara was unable to defeat Ranma and get to Plum.

Masara, like most of the other Phoenix people, is very powerful in bird-man like form - however, because he, like veryone else, had jumped into the Spriong of Drowned Man in order to walk among humans, he turns into a boy when wet, and his power is severely diminished.

Personality: Masara and his partner, Koruma, are very similar in personality. They are both arrogant, and are not afraid to pick on the weak if they can get what they want. Aggressive and violent in battle, they attack with a zeal worthy of the service of Saffron's royal army of Phoenix people.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez